How to choose your shelf?

  • Recommended thickness: 20mm to 41mm
  • Maximum size for 2 BRACKETs: 150x25cm (beyond that, add 1 BRACKET per meter)
  • Maximum size for 1 BRACKET: 40x25cm
  • Maximum weight per BRACKET (including tray): 7kg
  • If the thickness is less than our recommendations then the shelf may not hold and fall, it is a question of support at the tightening level. On the other hand, we cannot guarantee that the shelf can support the weight of 7 kg.
  • L Screws are not supplied: use screws and dowels suitable for your wall. The Ø of the holes is 5mm, so you must choose a screw of Ø 4 or 4.5 cm and a dowel depending on your wall type (solid, hollow) and thickness.
  • N and do not use brittle materials such as glass, marble or stone